Pulmonary is the branch of Internal Medicine that diagnoses and treats diseases and abnormalities of the chest and lungs, including pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema and asthma. The most common reasons patients are referred to a Pulmonary Specialist are persistent cough (generally lasting three weeks or longer), shortness of breath, and for evaluation of abnormal chest X-rays.
Our physicians are recognized leaders in pulmonary and sleep medicine and have been repeatedly recognized as Top Doctors by Milwaukee Magazine. They provide comprehensive evaluations and personalized management plans for patients with a broad range of lung and sleep conditions.
Depending on the lung condition, our physicians collaborate closely with thoracic surgery, pathology, radiology, anesthesiology, radiation and medical oncology, otolaryngology, allergy and immunology, rheumatology, infectious disease, sleep dentistry and rehabilitation to ensure our patients receive the best care possible.
Our pulmonary offices also work closely with local and national durable medical equipment (DME) providers to help our patients navigate treatment for their conditions.
Get started on the road to healing by scheduling an appointment with our experienced team of physicians. Call for an appointment or complete our contact form.